ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

( function() {
'use strict';

// copy to clipboard
$(function() { // wait for content load (DOMContentLoaded)
  $('.copy-clipboard').each(function () {
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    var $button = $('<button title="Copia negli appunti">&#xf0ea;</button>');
    $ () {
      var $content = $this.find('.copy-content');
      try {
        if (!document.execCommand('copy'))
          throw 42;
        mw.notify('Successfully copied to Clipboard.');
      } catch (err) {
        mw.notify('Copy to Clipboard failed. Please do it yourself.', {type:'error'});

function selectElementText(element) {
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  } else if (window.getSelection) {
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    range = document.createRange();

// load js for calculating wild creature level stats

// redirect to language version if url contains querystring iwredirect (for Dododex)
$(function() {
  var match =[^;&]*)/);
  if (match && match[1]) {
    var $langlink = $('.interlanguage-link-target[hreflang="' + encodeURIComponent(match[1]) + '"]');
    if ($langlink && $langlink[0] && $langlink[0].href) {

}() );

/* for Module:layerMap to toggle visibility of the layers */
  var id = $(this).attr('data-forid');
  $('#' + id).toggle();

 * Grid Filtering
 * Adds filter options to [[Template:Nav creatures/New]].
 * Javascript:          Karol "[[User:Nanaki]]" Dylewski 
 * License:             CC-BY-SA 3.0 
 * ARK Compatibility:   [[User:3mptylord]].

mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util', 'jquery.client'], function () {
  /* Config for gridFiltering */
  gridContainer = '#creature-grid';
  gridFilters = {
	'creature': 'search',
	'map': [ '- Mappa -',
		['The Island','The Island'],
		['The Center','The Center'],
		['Scorched Earth','Scorched Earth'],
		['Non rilasciata','Non rilasciata'],
	'group': [ '- Gruppo -',
		['Predatori alfa','Predatori alfa'],
		['Creature inferocite','Creature inferocite'],
		['Creature evento','Creature evento'],
		['Creature Tek','Creature Tek'],
	'habitat': [ '- Habitat -',
		['Arboreo','Arboreo (Alberi)'],
		['Fossorio','Fossorio (Scavatore)'],
		['Boss','Boss (Evocati)'],
	'diet': [ '- Dieta -',
		['Coprofago', 'Coprofagi'],
		['Ematofago', 'Ematofagi'],
		['Mangiafiamme', 'Mangiafiamme'],
		['Minerali', 'Minerali'],
		['Spazzino dei fondali', 'Spazzini dei fondali'],
		['Ghiotto di dolci', 'Ghiotti di dolci'],
/* End of mw.loader.using callback */
( function( $ ) {
	function gridFiltering() {
		if(typeof gridContainer === 'undefined' || !gridContainer) return
		var grid = $(gridContainer)
		if(!grid || !grid.length) return
		if(!gridFilteringSwitches()) return
		window.gridElements = []
		grid.find('.creature_icon').each(function() {
			var obj = {}
			var elem = $(this)
			obj['*'] = elem
			for(x in gridFilters) {
				obj[x] =',')
				for(var y=0;y<obj[x].length;y++) {
					obj[x][y] = obj[x][y].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').toLowerCase()
	function gridFilteringSwitches() {
		var flag = false
		for(x in gridFilters) {
			var container = $('#grid-filter-'+x)
			if(!container.length) continue
			flag = true
			if(gridFilters[x] == 'search') {
				var field = $('<input type="text" placeholder="Cerca..." />').appendTo(container).attr('id', container.attr('id')+'-field').data('type', 'search')
				field.keyup(function() {
					if(window.gridFiltersTimeout) window.clearTimeout(window.gridFiltersTimeout)
					window.gridFiltersTimeout = window.setTimeout(gridFilteringClear, 30000)
			} else if(gridFilters[x] instanceof Array) {
				var field = $('<select></select>').appendTo(container).attr('id', container.attr('id')+'-field').data('type', 'select')
				$('<option></option>').appendTo(field).attr('value', '').html(gridFilters[x][0])
				for(var y=1;y<gridFilters[x].length;y++) {
					$('<option></option>').appendTo(field).attr('value', gridFilters[x][y][0]).html(gridFilters[x][y][1])
				field.change(function() {
					if(window.gridFiltersTimeout) window.clearTimeout(window.gridFiltersTimeout)
					window.gridFiltersTimeout = window.setTimeout(gridFilteringClear, 30000)
		return flag
	function gridFilteringClear() {
		for(x in gridFilters) {
	function gridFilteringApply() {
		for(var x=0;x<gridElements.length;x++) {
			var elem = $(gridElements[x]['*'])
			var active = true
			for(y in gridFilters) {
				var field = $('#grid-filter-'+y+'-field')
				var value = field.val().toLowerCase()
				if(value == '') continue;
				var type ='type')
				if(type == 'search') {
					var rx = new RegExp('^.*?(' + value.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&") + ').*?$','i');
					var flag = rx.test(gridElements[x][y].join(', '))
					if(!flag) active = false
				} else if(type == 'select') {
					if(gridElements[x][y].indexOf(value) == -1) active = false
			if(active) gridFilteringShow(elem)
			else gridFilteringHide(elem)
	function gridFilteringHide(elem) {
		$(elem).fadeTo(200, 0.1);
	function gridFilteringShow(elem) {
		$(elem).fadeTo(200, 1);
	$( gridFiltering )
} )( jQuery );

/* End Grid Filtering */